A Data Governance program is more than simply determining who ‘owns’ the data.  It’s a program to monitor data integrity practices in real-time and ensure they mature in the future.

A strong Data Governance program ensures robust Data Integrity

Implement a Data Governance Program

Data Governance Program Model

Once your organization has deployed Data Integrity Policies and Procedures, the next step is to institute a Data Governance Program to make sure data integrity practices become thoroughly embedded within the company culture.

Our data integrity consultants will guide you through the steps of implementing a Data Integrity Program that includes:

  • A structured program with defined roles and responsibilities for both leaders and subject matter experts
  • Processes for real-time monitoring of data integrity health through ongoing review of internal audit findings, metrics, and incident reports
  • Processes for prioritizing and initiating course corrections to ensure that issues are not repeated, and data integrity health metrics continue to improve
  • Standard process for building a roadmap to improve the organization’s Data Integrity program through strategic investments and targeted process improvements

Example chart that defines a data governance program

Let’s get to work